Known Issues: Please bear with me
I just wanted to let you know I discovered an issue with photos on the site and am investigating how to fix. The photos upload and import into the post correctly from a PC but a small percentage of them do not show on mobile devices correctly. You have probably noticed a couple images either sideways or upside down. If I rotate those images in the post it fixes mobile but breaks PC. If I have to change theme to fix, I will, but that may cause other temporary instability or bugs until I can get everything 100% back up on a new theme.
Also during some testing tonight I discovered my GoPro records video but it appears the big hard hit the camera suffered the last time I used it a couple years ago in a crash at the race track, has damaged something causing the video to not be fluid but instead choppy. Therefore some of the planned Vlogs I was lining up will be delayed until funding and purchase of new camera(s) can take place.
Well that was it. The end of the bad news. Everything else is going well and I am still excited for the upcoming posts. Stay tuned and check back later.